About Us

Our History, Vision, and Board of Directors

Our History

In the early 2000’s a group of hinters would get together and process the deer they harvested. They felt so blessed that they decided to give a portion of their harvest to needy families, food banks and churches in their area. This went over so well that ether decided to become an official 501c3 organization in 2004. Since then South Carolina Hunters and Land Owners for the Hungry has supplied the community with over 500,000 lbs of wild meat. This is equivalent to 2,000,000 meals.

How We Do It

We are a 100% volunteer organization. Every cent we receive goes toward our mission of feeding the 1 in 5 people in South Carolina who cannot afford enough food for their families. We travel the entire state acquiring meat and then transporting it to state approved processors which we pay for. We also certify that all of our meat is legally harvested.

Currently we distribute meat to 39 nonprofit organizations who in turn help feed over 15,000 people annually. We also support 150 families at our facility in Pacolet with a monthly give away. We use United Way’s Charity Tracker to insure the integrity of our program. We also supply these families in addition to the meat, groceries, paper products and cleaning supplies. Finally, we help all families caught in natural disasters and emergencies with food available at our facility.

Our Vision

Our immediate goal is to take our program statewide. We have submitted a 5 year plan to the DNR where we would coordinate nonprofit and processors to provide meat to more nonprofits.

We are also in contact with the state legislature for funding. Our program can help feed over 100,000 people.

Nonprofit organizations which help feed people in need have told us they can use all the meat we can supply. Deer meat is an under-utilized and unappreciated protein resource.

Your help is essential!

Board of Directors

Bob Williams

Harold Weathers

Eddie Smiley
Vice Chairman

Butch Walden
Board Member

Harold Campbell

Tim Sorrells
Board Member